
Monday, May 18, 2009

go vist --->

i've made anew blog, it's at

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Now you know

As you see on my blog that i am a fan of the anime show "code geass" and you can see down at the bottom of my page that i have ep. 1 from the show. Just to say, i never seen the first ep. of code geass and there fore dont know what might be in it so i strongly suggest you be careful of what might be in it, if you find any mature like content in the video comment on this post almost as soon as you see it and i will delet it from my page and by mature im talking about not the violence and blood but like the other stuff (if there is any) and i think you might know what i meen.

P.S. yes, it does help me think at time's =)

P.S.S. there is also 4 videos i dont want at the bottom of my page that i dont know how to get rid of, and which i dont like, only the videos that are animated and have code geass in the name i like

jermey part 2/2

before in my last post i talked about a song by "Peral Jam" called "Jermey" which a few days later got blammed for a school shooting. When it got blammed for the school shooting, Peral jam made a alternate video of it which give's more imagination then the last video. After that video, they started making less music video's, and more CD's (or so that's what i think). The alternate video was a lot better and was like a cure from the first video, even though the creepyness feel has been lost the video was still good.

Monday, April 27, 2009

jermey Part 1/2

Most of you people out there most likely heard of "Peral Jam" right, well just so you know, they are a band. As much as i would like to talk about all there songs, there is this one song they made in where it got blammed for a school shooting, if you think it was the song your wrong, it was the video! Soon after they made an alternate version of this video and later after it made much less videos. When you first see this video, you may think all the kids in the classroom died but, really it was jermey who died but, really everyone in that classroom died from emotionaly and for jermey physically.

This most likely happend cause of being bullyed by many students, as i have too experienced this, it does not feel good even when your parents aren't on your side.

Also to awnser the question pennyholmes blogspot page, it might be the place where it happend or the place where the rumor started, or it could be the place he was drawing about.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

My favorite show

It is Rare to find people who love anime, well im a person who love's anime as well as action and animation show's. My most favorite show (of corse) is code geass which come's on every saturday on this one channel at night. It is kinda an old show cause they got every Episode on DvD's on, which is pretty cool cause they got them at good price's. Now if i miss any of my show's i could just buy the video box set's or Vol.'s. The show has lot's of action and intense sences that are pretty awesome.

picture from google
P.S. dont judge me just cause im a fan of anime. :)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Teh portfolieo

Teh Portfolieo is useful because it teaches kids about what they learn over teh year and it even reminds kids what they may have forgoten. It was looked over by teh goverment but, since they stop lookin at them, it isn't needed any more. Teh one's we did now are used for point's but, i kinda wish it was worth a little more. Teh portfolieo was a collection of work pieces we did over teh year, which i worked real hard on but, i still seem to get a grade that leaves me at a "B." On teh other hand, im a little relieved cause when i get into teh next grade i won't have to do the portfolieo.

I feel kinda used though, like i was in some evil scam because i worked all that hard work to get it done. I had no fun doin it eather and im a little mad that they didn't read it. It is common though with me cause most bad luck happens to me. It was real hard work getting all that work done and now it was all for nothing. At least I got a good grade for it, which was a good thing since i had like a "D" in that class.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Mah speech

The speech io made was not as good as i wanted it to be, it was slow and long which took up most time in class. It would have tooken longer if i tryed to tell how to draw the body so i just taught how to draw the head. I expected it to suck because its not how i draw most of my drawings but, it was shorter then my original way. It was what i call cartoon but, i used some way's that i draw anime with in this speech. I don't know exactly what i made or what i think i might have made but, i like things to be a surprise and i am expect this grade to be a real surprise. i hope i did good but, i have many doubt's.

Iprobly should have taught how to draw the acctual anime but, for some reason i wanted to keep that my little secret.